
Category: Uncategorized

November 29 2012

I've never really been that much of a fan of Dell, but this is very tempting… Dell releases powerful, well-supported Linux Ultrabook “Project Sputnik” aims to be your fellow traveler by focusing on “DevOps.” View this post on Google+

November 16 2012

Mr. Lovenstein | Kai: Kai. Gentleman Rules: Patiently gawk while your opponent powers up. View this post on Google+

November 14 2012

90,000 Texans want to secede, trolls immediately mess with Texas Democracy in its rawest form comes to View this post on Google+

November 8 2012

“I am no man”: for Zelda-playing daughter, dad gives Link a sex change “Dad’s favorite pastime shouldn’t treat girls like second-class citizens.” View this post on Google+

November 6 2012

Why are Republicans red and Democrats blue? Today, citizens across the US are casting their ballots, hoping to tip the balance of their state to red or blue, but few stop to wonder from where the concepts of “red” and[…]

October 31 2012

xkcd: Fifty Shades < Prev · Random; Next >; >|. Permanent link to this comic: Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): Selected Comics. Search co… View this post on Google+

October 29 2012

Google’s Chrome Remote Desktop Screen Sharing Service Comes Out Of Beta, Adds Real-Time Audio For Windows | TechCrunch Google just announced that it is taking its Chrome Remote Desktop screensharing service out of beta. As the name implies, the Chrome[…]

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