xkcd: Fifty Shades < Prev · Random; Next >; >|. Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/1128/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/fifty_shades.png. Selected Comics. Search co… View this post on Google+
Archive: October 2012
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Google’s Chrome Remote Desktop Screen Sharing Service Comes Out Of Beta, Adds Real-Time Audio For Windows | TechCrunch Google just announced that it is taking its Chrome Remote Desktop screensharing service out of beta. As the name implies, the Chrome[…]
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Ubuntu 12.10 “Quantal Quetzal” takes flight with a bag full of Juju Ubuntu kicks off a new two-year cycle with fancy enterprise features. View this post on Google+
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October 18, 2012 Hey geeks! I and a bunch of the Gaymercon nerds are going to participate in a game-related fundraiser on the 20th. I’m not sure what I’m playing yet, but I’m hoping it’s Mario Bros. None of that[…]
Whether or not you plan on voting for Obama or not, this is pretty funny. Reshared post from +Mashable President Obama has reproached Mitt Romney for not providing details on his alleged “$5 trillion tax cut plan” and how he’d pay[…]
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“Wreck-It Ralph” secret Muni stop photo booths | The Big Event | an SFGate.com blog CmfThirdPartyHeader – SFGate “Wreck-It Ralph” secret Muni stop photo booths View this post on Google+
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October 16, 2012 Whee! Sorry for the erratic updates. I’m finally done with the MONTH OF TRAVELING. Things should be back on track shortly.
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Researchers discover planet with four suns Researchers believe they’ve found a first: a planet with four suns. Discovered by Kian Jek and Robert Gagliano, members of the crowdsourced astronomy site Planet Hunters, the planet revolves around a…. View this post[…]
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Embedded Link One in five Americans reports no religious affiliation, study says Despite their nickname, the “nones” are far from godless. View this post on Google+
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Pick up the phone: US airlines rethinking on-board cell phone service Foreign airlines let passengers make calls, but US airspace still a dead zone. View this post on Google+